Capturing the growing interest of hobby sawmilling and the DIY woodworker movement, Wood-Mizer, a globally renowned leader in the sawmill industry, introduces the LX50START and LX50SUPER portable sawmills.
Wood-Mizer is gearing up to present its latest sawmills and woodworking machines at LIGNA to many customers, including large and medium sawmills, small businesses, farmers, artisans, and hobbyists.
Recently, Wood-Mizer updated its professional sawmill offering by replacing the diesel engines with new gasoline G57 engine to its LT70 and LT70WIDE sawmills. The gasoline engine G57 is an essential upgrade to the LT70 sawmill series ...
Wood-Mizer introduces the MP220 Planer Moulder Rip Saw as a versatile three-in-one woodworking machine able to produce finished wood trim, flooring, dimensional lumber and more from rough sawn material.
With the growing demand for high-quality finished wood slabs in the woodworking industry, Wood-Mizer introduces the SlabMizer MB200 Slab Flattener that is ideal for sawmill owners, woodworkers, and professional workshops.
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